Eagle Outdoors Australia


Eagle Outdoors is a manufacturing company specialising in premium camper trailers, outer wear garments and other camping gear, with experience in camper trailers as well as raincoats, outdoor clothing, safety jackets & protective clothing, hats, and camping accessories including swags, travel bags and roof top tents.

We have showrooms in VIC, WA, QLD, NSW and agents in SA and Darwin. We also have a manufacturing plant in Fiji and celebrated 30 years there in November 2019.

Fiji was initially started as part of business aid to provide work for a small community that didn’t have a lot of employment opportunities. It has since grown considerably, and we now employ over 100 staff and love to support the local community in a variety of ways.

Eagle Outdoors was started by Barry Rodgers in 1978 and his son David took over in 1995 although Barry is still an integral part of the business and a great support and encouragement to David and Bronwyn. Lifelong friends, Josh and Rebecca Heylen, are also highly valued business partners. Additionally, we have many other long serving and dedicated staff who we are extremely grateful for.

Unit 1, 133 Kelvin Road Maddington, WA, 6109, Australia
(08) 6244 2077
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