Holiday In Your Own Backyard

When travelling around Western Australia you can expect to come across some truly awe-inspiring attractions. And for many holiday-goers, the most memorable trips are formed when visiting areas within their own backyard.

In the wake of the devastating east coast bushfires and potential impacts on travel plans following the coronavirus outbreak, local businesses in regional tourist towns are feeling the impact and need extra support.

To help support these areas in need, Tourism Council WA recently launched its Holiday in WA campaign to encourage holiday-goers to book directly with local tourism businesses, rather than through booking platforms which are mostly owned by large, overseas-based corporations and charge up to 25 per cent commission.

For Tourism Council WA Chief Executive Officer Evan Hall, the campaign provides a number of shared benefits for tourists and the local communities which depend on tourism.

“Western Australians can support the communities and jobs which depend on tourism by choosing to holiday within the State,” he said.

“With the cost of overseas holidays growing eight per cent last year and the low Australian dollar, now is a perfect time to Holiday in WA.”

Mr Hall said the best way to show your support was by booking direct with a genuine, local operator.

“The best way to have an authentic WA experience is with a genuine, local operator who is passionate about delivering great service and showcasing their culture, history, town or local environment,” he said.

“Each year, Western Australians pay $13 million in overseas commissions to book locally based tourism products.

“We’d like to ask people to consider making the conscious decision to book directly with tourism operators, ensuring their money stays in the local communities they are visiting.”

Photo Credit: Tourism WA – Lake Argyle, Western Australia

For more information visit – a non-profit, local website, showcasing high-quality and award-winning tourism businesses. On the website, Western Australians can find local accommodation, tours and experiences, compare travellers’ ratings and book direct with tourism businesses, avoiding overseas commissions.

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